RSP Advantage
- Empanelment and Sponsorship with the Directorate General Resettlement, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India.
- Possession of the Licence from the State Govt. under Private Security Agency (Regulation) Act 2005.
- Over 10000 Fully Trained Manpower deployed till date by the group.
- Exclusively training on Security subjects and Equipments.
- Specialized training for various industry segments such as tower maintenance.
- Round the clock service monitoring by Field Officers.
- Expert in Mines Security. So far we have deployed about 1000 security personnel in large mining sectors of Iron, Copper, Coal, Zinc etc.
- Experience of escorting security service of precious matters.
- Experience of hospital management and security system for 11 years.
- We have experience in providing and managing the security system of vital installations such as Airport, Telephone Exchange etc. for about 8 years.
- Experience of telecom towers security belonging to large private and Govt. cellular service providers.